环境工程专业 | 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app


Picture of 环境工程专业

Austin Herman ’22 recently graduated from the engineering program and is now using his degree working for Civil & 环境顾问公司. In addition to his engineering career, Herman is now in his second season of 玩 in the 匹兹堡Steeline, the professional drumline band that plays at all of the Pittsburgh Steelers home games.

As a student Herman focused his major on 环境工程, learning about water, air pollution, and solid and waste management. 在高中时, he decided on Geneva because of the Christian foundation, 信仰的集成, 小的校园, 教授的关系, 游行乐队.

作为一个高中生, Herman would come and perform at Geneva for the Beaver County Band Festival, so he was already familiar with the campus.

Herman came to Geneva planning to major in engineering but wasn’t sure what kind. Although he was originally leaning toward civil engineering, after a job-shadowing experience he quickly realized that was not the path for him.

One day he was back home, on a hike, and was thinking through switching to 环境工程. After the hike he was cleaning his room, and came across an old magazine that was about 环境工程.

“When I opened it up there was an old letter tucked inside from my great-grandfather who had passed away a few years prior. In it he was talking about 环境工程. From there I knew that was the path I wanted to take.”

Herman has always loved the outdoors and is an Eagle Scout, 在确认之后, 他知道自己走在正确的道路上.

Throughout school Herman commuted rather than living on campus, so he had to be intentional about creating community.

“I joined a lot of different groups and stayed on campus and interacted with classmates and professors as much as I could- this was really important. Finally, things just clicked and I had a great campus community.”

Often commuters can find it difficult to be plugged in or feel like they are truly a part of campus, but Herman emphasizes that if you are patient and intentional to get involved, 它会发生的.

“Everywhere you look on campus there is opportunity for Christian community. 从与同伴的简单互动中, 俱乐部, 体育, really everything is about community and integrating faith and learning with your life.”

If you are looking for community, you will find it here.

在教室里, Herman notes what he found to love the most about 环境工程 is recognizing how much work goes into basic things. By learning about things like water and waste management, 他说, you come to appreciate a lot more of the world around you. 超越技术知识, what Herman appreciated most about his education is the faith-life integration.

“Anyone can sit down and watch a Youtube video and gather information about a topic. What I really loved about my Geneva education was integrating the faith into engineering, it created a completely different perspective on it.”

Herman explained how at Geneva you get to see other worldviews, 基督教世界观, and how your worldview influences your work.

“You are not only getting information, you are getting the full picture.”

Herman is employed as a landfill engineer and works on designing and inspecting landfills. His junior year a representative from the company came to talk to the class, and this is how he first heard about the job opportunities and company. 开始工作, 像很多职业一样, there was a lot of on-the-job training, but Herman notes his class on solid and hazardous waste, and his classes on water transportation help prepare him for the technical aspects of the job.

“与教授一对一的时间, 除了上课, truly helped me a lot and prepared me for the professional world. There are a lot of field opportunities here at Geneva too, so I got to do a lot in the field as a student that helped me gain even more experience.”

austin-herman.jpgOutside of his job, much of Herman’s time is devoted to the 匹兹堡Steeline. 在新濠天地app期间,他参加了 新濠天地app军乐队 all four years, and was section leader of the drumline for two years.

“成为乐队的一员, 玩, 成为游行的一部分, all if it are things I have always loved to do, and being able to incorporate that into my college experience was a lot of fun.”

Kenny, the drumline instructor at Geneva, used to be a part of the 匹兹堡Steeline. Kenny suggested to Austin that he try out with him.

“我去, 不抱太大希望, just thinking it would be a good experience…Kenny and I were both offered full-time positions in the drumline. I went through the audition process again this year and was offered a position again. That would not have happened without the experience and connections I gained at Geneva.”

When asked what one of his favorite moments in the drumline has been, 赫尔曼马上说, “Kenny Pickett coming in for the first time, 听到人群的怒吼, it was just an insane experience to have from the sidelines.”

通过带, 与教授的关系, 校园俱乐部, 还有他上的课程, Herman can trace a lot of what he is doing now back to his time at Geneva.


-Kelsey Ingold ' 18




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